Save That Tooth – Overview
by Harold Berk, DDS, DSc, FACD, FICD, FAAPD
Harold Berk practiced dentistry for almost 65 years and taught on the faculty of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine from 1946 to 2005. Save That Tooth serves as his clinical memoires and chronicals the original research in vital pulp therapy and root canal therapy, the techniques he pioneered, and some of the fascinating and often complicated cases that were routinely treated by this most talented of educators and dental practitioners.
“The book is just plain fun to peruse.”
Richard J. Simonsen, DDS, MS (PPAD, April 2006)
“Every dentist, student, or dental team member can learn something from this book. . . I was won over by the author’s obvious sincerity of purpose and passion for his worthy philosophy of saving teeth. . . In addition to providing good treatment options for unusual cases, the book is just plain fun to peruse.”
Richard J. Simonsen, DDS, MS (PPAD, April 2006)
Dr. Berk’s unwavering commitment to his patients and his philosophy of dental care have inspired generations of dentists:

“I always consider what my patients’ needs will be long into the future, and I treat accordingly. Since I have followed many patients for a lifetime, this long-term planning comes in handy.”
“Whenever possible, I start with the least invasive treatment plan, and if it should fail, there is always the option to take the next step.”
“I have learned that nature has tremendous healing powers, and one of my responsibilities is to create an environment that is favorable for the natural healing process.”