Self-contained matrix bands that do not require matrix retainers
“T”- Bands are made of soft, adaptable brass or stainless steel matrix material (.002”/.05mm thick) and are available straight, curved, narrow (5/32”/ 4mm), wide (1/4”/ 6.4mm) and in assortments. “T”- Bands will not break or tear when condensing amalgam and are especially popular for use in pediatric dentistry.
Crimper Cutter Pliers
Combines a crimper and a scissors in one unique instrument
Perfect for the Pulpdent “T”-Band technique
Code and Description:

BT*C/A – T-Bands, curved/assorted, box of 100
*Specify B for Brass or S for Stainless

BT*C/N – T-Bands, curved/narrow, box of 100
*Specify B for Brass or S for Stainless

BT*C/W – T-Bands, curved/wide, box of 100
*Specify B for Brass or S for Stainless

BT*S/A – T-Bands, straight/assorted, box of 100
*Specify B for Brass or S for Stainless

BT*S/N – T-Bands, straight/narrow, box of 100
*Specify B for Brass or S for Stainless

BT*S/W – T-Bands, straight/wide, box of 100
*Specify B for Brass or S for Stainless

M-TP – Fintrec Transparent Matrix Strip, (.002/.05mm) 59′ roll

M-DS – Fintrec Dead Soft Matrix Strip, (.001/.025mm) 20′ roll
PCR – Crimper Cutter Pliers
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