Pulpdent Employee Spotlight
Connor Walsh, Mechanical and Production Engineer Since 2016
What gets you fired up for your workday?
“Interacting with my engineering team, management, and the cross-departmental dynamic, encompassing the whole spectrum of manufacturing — everything from production to robotics and regulatory documentation.”
Click the video below to see Connor in action!
How does your department fit into the larger scope of Pulpdent, and how is it growing with the company?
“My department is really here to innovate. We’re here to step up a level, not just do one thing. We are responsible for ensuring the equipment is properly maintained and up-to-date, and also designing equipment to open new doors and increase capacity and efficiencies for the company. Pulpdent is very adaptable and modular. We have a large role in improvement around the company, and also with optimizing other departments, like R&D. It’s very much a complimentary role – producing equipment that are producing units.”
“I came to Pulpdent directly out of school…and it has really allowed me to grow as a thinker.”

Outside of work, what are your passions and hobbies?
“Designing and building things. I went to a vocational high school and learned several trades, so working with my hands always feels natural. This has translated to activities like blacksmithing and woodworking. I also enjoy golf because it’s a game of calculation and decision making. I enjoy it for its challenges, both mental and physical. I also love hiking in the mountains and practicing photography.”

What is your super power?
“Visualization – I’ll see something, and it might take 8 months to get it done, but I’m able to envision the whole schematic and also how the operator will live and operate within the process. I enjoy imagining the design for equipment, building what I see, and visualizing how a piece of machinery will fit in our environment and how the user will interact with it. It’s a game of manipulation, using physical variables to create calculable work and output. Not only do I get to visualize and design the systems, but I also get to build them.”
“Not only do I get to visualize and design the systems, but I also get to build them.”

How has working at Pulpdent impacted your life?
“I came to Pulpdent directly out of school over five years ago, and it has really allowed me to grow as a thinker. My job has a lot of research to it, it’s not all production related. A good portion has to do with exploring — taking things apart and seeing how they work — and learning how equipment communicates with itself. Being in an environment that facilitates learning has allowed me to problem solve better outside of work. Ultimately, it’s allowed me to step back and see the bigger picture. I am grateful to have the opportunity to absorb knowledge and expertise from upper-level management. Being around people who make important decisions all day teaches you how to decipher things, and that mindset is contagious. In my role, I’ve been able to really learn and hone that skill.”
Thank you, Connor! We are so grateful for all that you contribute to the Pulpdent Team.